Production Capabilities

Harris Steel Company supplies high quality close tolerance steel coils. Shimless tooling and roller tensioning allow us to produce coils that are uniformly tensioned with minimal burr and flat sidewalls.

Slitting Capabilities

  • Gauge Range: .010 - .187

  • Maximum Coil Width: 60”

  • Maximum Coil OD: 72”

  • Maximum Coil Weight: 50,000 lbs

  • Uncoiler ID: 20” to 24”

  • Recoiler ID: 16” and 20”

  • Maximum Slit Width: 60”

  • Minimum Slit Width: ½”

  • X-Ray Gauger- Printable Histograms Reflecting X-Bar & R Chart

Quality control procedures assure that the following meet our customer’s specifications:

  • Thickness

  • Slit edge quality

  • Slit Width

  • Surface Condition Hardness

  • Strip Camber

  • Mechanical Properties

  • Chemical Properties


Coils can be packaged and shipped with the coil eye horizontal or eye to the sky. We offer a wide variety of packaging materials including the following:

  • Plastic and steel banding

  • Plastic sheeting, craft paper and liner board moisture barriers

  • Plastic, wood composite and cellulose coil spacer blocks

  • VCI treated bags

  • Heat treated hardwood skids (15,000 lb max)

  • Individual cut labels for traceability and set-up cut location.

  • AIAG bar coded shipping tag (other formats available)

  • Clockwise or counter clockwise direction.


  • Local

  • Interstate

  • International

  • Intermodal


Order integrity begins as soon as we receive your order. That is how traceability was born in the success of what we do. Traceability begins at receipt of every master coil. Once the material is approved to ordered specification, it is entered into our system and a bar code sticker is created. The bar code provides information about the supplier, material, gauge, temper, coating, and coil number. The material keeps its identity until it is processed through our slitting lines. After slitting, each individual cut is given a “sticky ticket” with the same bar code, chemistry, gauge, type of material, as well as the location it was cut out of the master coil. This allows us to track exactly where in the master coil the slit material came from. The slit coils then go through the packaging line and to the scale where the skids are entered into the system as a finished product. You can look at the examples of our traceability below:


Major Industries Served

Lawn and Garden